I had been told that there are 3 people you can talk to in life about your problems; your preacher, your hairdresser and your bartender. Since I wasn't old enough to go to a bar and I didn't have a steady hairdresser I figured the best thing to do was to talk to my preacher. I shared with him the feelings that were causing so much conflict in my life and magically after that conversation - he really didn't want to have much to do with me anymore. He didn't want to offer additional counseling or offer conversion therapy, he simply didn't want to have anything to do with me. So I quit the church and never looked back.
Unlike my experience, Justin Utley experienced something far more heinous and sinister at the hands of the people he placed his faith in. Justin was raised in the Mormon church and did everything he could to be an active member of his congregation. He used his music as part of the church and sang as a contemporary Christian singer. He went on his mission for the church and spent 2 years away from his family and friends. Being the best Mormon he could was so important to him. He began to have issues with the church when his sexuality and religious beliefs started conflicting. Again, trying to be the best Mormon he could, he repressed his feelings and continued his service with the church. It wasn't until his Bishop urged him into joining a same-sex reformation program called Evergreen. He stayed at Evergreen for two years undergoing different treatments in order to get the gay out of him until he met Brent and they both left the treatment program together. He was happy in his decision until Brent passed away from a heart attack 6 months later. He went back to his church because he needed comfort and his Bishop told him that the heart attack was God's way of punishing Brent for his impure lifestyle. At that point in time, he realized that the church did not need him.

Justin has a new album coming out soon and I think that you should go to his website and at least listen to the tracks posted there. He has had the opportunity of traveling around the country and even internationally playing for people. He was at Pride in Stockholm, Sweden this year and he destroyed the audience with his song, Stand for Something.
Better yet, please go buy Runaway. You won't regret it if you are a fan of honest, American music. He is wonderful and I hate the fact he has gone through the things that he has but I am glad he has put it out there for us to have. I don't know how many times a song has come on that echoed what I was feeling at that point in time. Buy this album and then get his next album and the ones after that and support independent artists because they need to be supported.
Website: http://www.justinutley.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justinutleymusic
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/justinutleymusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/JustinUtley
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/justinutley